Society for Judgment and Decision Making    European Association for Decision Making

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Journal Home Page

ISSN 1930-2975

Judgment and Decision Making

Volume 11, Number 5, September 2016


The title is linked to the pdf version, which should be used for printing, quotation, or citation. The html version is for convenience.

Downside financial risk is misunderstood, pp. 416-423 (html).
Philip W. S. Newall
Data (xlsx)

The effects of surrounding positive and negative experiences on risk taking, pp. 424-440 (html).
Sandra Schneider, Sandra Kauffman and Andrea Ranieri
Data (xlsx): Study 1, Study 2, Key (csv)

Proportion dominance in valuing lives: The role of deliberative thinking, pp. 441-448 (html).
André Mata
Data (sav): Study 1, Study 2

Not by desire alone: The role of cognitive consistency in the desirability bias, pp. 449-459 (html).
J. Edward Russo and Jonathan C. Corbin
Data (sav), Supplement (pdf)

Salient nutrition labels increase the integration of health attributes in food decision-making, pp. 460-471 (html).
Laura Enax, Ian Krajbich and Bernd Weber
Data (txt): Main study, Exp. 2 (Supplement), Exp. 3 (Supplement), Original R code, Supplement

Process dynamics in delay discounting decisions: An attractor dynamics approach, pp. 472-495 (html).
Stefan Scherbaum, Simon Frisch, Susanne Leiberg, Steven J. Lade, Thomas Goschke and Maja Dshemuchadse
Data (csv): Expt 1 (fields), Expt 2 (fields), Expt 3 (fields), Expt 4 (fields)

Representations of moral violations: Category members and associated features, pp. 496-508 (html).
Justin F. Landy
Data (csv): Study 1, Study 2, Study 3, Disgust data (from General Discussion), Supplement

Developing expert political judgment: The impact of training and practice on judgmental accuracy in geopolitical forecasting tournaments, pp. 509-526 (html).
Welton Chang, Eva Chen, Barbara Mellers and Philip Tetlock

Anonymity and incentives: An investigation of techniques to reduce socially desirable responding in the Trust Game, pp. 527-536 (html).
Isabel Thielmann, Daniel W. Heck and Benjamin E. Hilbig
Data (csv) (coding),
R Code: bayesfactor,, responsetimes, trust.rates
Materials (pdf)

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